My Methods Work Even If You Don't Know Much About Finances and Don't Know Your Current Numbers!
In This Masterclass, I Lay Out Exactly What Our Clients Are Doing To Achieve an Average Profit Increase of 120% (even if you are already doing well)!
✔️ Law Firm owners with at least $300k annual revenue.
✔️ Law Firm owners who don't know how to earn 6, 7, 8 figures in their law firm.
✔️ You consider yourself a go getter and you need advice to reach your goals.
For over 25 years, I've been working in finance helping small to multiple million dollar companies use their numbers to build their kingdom's into empires.
I have built my own successful accounting & advisory empire from ground up and I know HOW TO BUILD YOUR LAW FIRM INTO AN EMPIRE.
After struggling to figure out the best way to help my clients grow, finally in 2019, I started working with a new coach for my firm. The very first thing we worked on was what he called our “ideal firm”. The light blasted on…I needed to START with guiding my clients through the process of developing a vision for their firm. I started geeking out and read every book I could find about building a successful law firm.
That was when the Law Firm Wealth Maximizer was born.
Once we implemented this system for helping our clients reach their goals, the results were staggering.
This year, our advisory clients as a group have seen an average year over year revenue increase of 34% and an average year over year profit increase of 120%!
I can now say that I have helped change lives for our clients. Not only have they seen financial rewards, but many have also been able to take back their life and run their firm instead of letting their firms run them.
"Jessica Gonifas is the CPA for the stars and rising stars in the legal field. Her attention to detail, patience, and guidance have allowed this long-term practitioner to put the numbers in order - analyze the numbers - and understand what's right and what's wrong."
- Elizabeth Smith, Lawyer
“Working with a CPA that can explain when we have accounting questions has drastically helped our firm. Jessica understands the direction we want to go and works with us to come up with the best solution from both the accounting and operational sides."
- Corrie S. & Alisa C.
"Jessica not only is an excellent CPA, but also is highly technical, has valuable problem solving skills, is very personable, and easy to work with. "
- Jodie Immell
Silver Peaks Accounting Services, LLC.
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